hand cradling a fusion reaction

Global Fusion Forum

Learn about fusion energy and offer input as to how fusion energy systems should be developed and adopted.

Who it's for:
Everyone curious about fusion energy

global grid

Nuclear Energy Prospector

Investigate possible industrial uses of heat and power from existing nuclear reactors.

Who it's for:
Energy Sector Professionals, Policy Makers and Regulators,Industrial Businesses

global grid

Perspectives on the Export of Advanced Nuclear Technology

A global data exploration tool for assessing a country's overall suitability and readiness to host U.S. advanced nuclear technologies.

Who it's for:
Advanced Nuclear Companies, Nuclear Technology Developers, Non-Governmental Organizations

neighborhood aerial

Public and Local Attitudes about Nuclear Energy Technology

Local estimates of community attitudes about nuclear technologies and facility siting. Aspiring to bring public views to the center of decision-making about how and where to site nuclear plants.

Who it's for:
Non-governmental Organizations, Community Leaders, Nuclear Technology Developers

neighborhood aerial

Siting Tool for Advanced Nuclear Development

Use STAND to identify and assess potentially feasible sites for advanced nuclear facilities.

Who it's for:
Advanced Nuclear Companies